Dorothea Catharina MendorffAge: 2 years1759–1761
- Name
- Dorothea Catharina Mendorff
- Given names
- Dorothea Catharina
- Surname
- Mendorff
Birth | May 1, 1759 45 26 Source: Bobbe, Laurentius Nachfahren |
Christening | May 3, 1759 (Age 2 days) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Friedrich Mendorff November 12, 1761 (Age 2 years) Source: Bobbe, Laurentius Nachfahren |
Christening of a brother | Johann Friedrich Mendorff November 15, 1761 (Age 2 years) |
Burial of a brother | Johann Friedrich Mendorff December 8, 1761 (Age 2 years) |
Burial | December 24, 1761 (Age 2 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Matthias Mendorff Christening: May 7, 1713 — Barby (Elbe) Death: April 1, 1777 — Staßfurt |
mother |
Maria Catharina Mendorff Christening: December 7, 1732 24 18 — Barby (Elbe) Death: |
Marriage: November 25, 1755 — Barby (Elbe) |
10 months elder brother |
Johann David Mendorff Birth: October 7, 1756 43 23 — Staßfurt Burial: September 20, 1757 — Staßfurt |
3 years herself |
Dorothea Catharina Mendorff Birth: May 1, 1759 45 26 — Staßfurt Burial: December 24, 1761 — Staßfurt |
3 years younger brother |
Johann Friedrich Mendorff Birth: November 12, 1761 48 28 — Staßfurt Burial: December 8, 1761 — Staßfurt |
1 year younger brother |
Johann Gottlieb Mendorff Birth: November 3, 1762 49 29 — Staßfurt Death: May 5, 1833 — Staßfurt |
younger sister |
Johanna Sophia Elisabeth Mendorff Birth: November 3, 1762 49 29 — Staßfurt Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Totgeburt (Sohn) Mendorff Birth: before February 22, 1765 51 32 — Staßfurt Burial: February 22, 1765 — Staßfurt |
11 months younger brother |
Johann August Mendorff Birth: January 14, 1766 52 33 — Staßfurt Death: June 6, 1767 — Staßfurt |
2 years younger brother |
Totgeburt (Sohn) Mendorff Birth: March 15, 1768 54 35 — Staßfurt Burial: March 17, 1768 — Staßfurt |
1 year younger brother |
Totgeburt (Sohn) Mendorff Birth: March 16, 1769 55 36 — Staßfurt Burial: March 19, 1769 — Staßfurt |
2 years younger sister |
Melusina Elisabeth Mendorff Birth: July 1, 1771 58 38 — Staßfurt Death: May 23, 1773 — Staßfurt |
3 years younger brother |
Johann Gottlob Mendorff Birth: March 22, 1774 60 41 — Staßfurt Death: December 22, 1808 — Staßfurt |