Johann Friedrich MendorffAge: 2 years1806–1808
- Name
- Johann Friedrich Mendorff
- Given names
- Johann Friedrich
- Surname
- Mendorff
Birth | June 4, 1806 32 26 Source: Bobbe, Laurentius Nachfahren |
Christening | July 6, 1806 (Age 32 days) |
Death of a brother | Gottlob Andreas Mendorff March 9, 1808 (Age 21 months) |
Burial of a brother | Gottlob Andreas Mendorff March 11, 1808 (Age 21 months) |
Death | November 23, 1808 (Age 2 years) |
Burial | November 27, 1808 (4 days after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Gottlob Mendorff Birth: March 22, 1774 60 41 — Staßfurt Death: December 22, 1808 — Staßfurt |
mother |
Dorothea Friederica Stein Birth: 1780 Death: April 19, 1812 — Staßfurt |
Marriage: September 21, 1800 — Staßfurt |
9 months elder sister |
Catharina Friederica Mendorff Birth: June 27, 1801 27 21 — Staßfurt Death: September 9, 1802 — Staßfurt |
18 months elder sister |
Christiane Catharina Elisabeth Mendorff Birth: December 30, 1802 28 22 — Staßfurt Death: |
2 years elder brother |
Gottlob Andreas Mendorff Birth: February 24, 1805 30 25 — Staßfurt Death: March 9, 1808 — Staßfurt |
15 months himself |
Johann Friedrich Mendorff Birth: June 4, 1806 32 26 — Staßfurt Death: November 23, 1808 — Staßfurt |